Saturday, February 27, 2010

Debt free? Me? Not quite....

I did get a decent return this year and was able to cut my credit cards in half, finally! My split with Mike left me with 2 maxed out cards and the doctor and hospital bills from having Zander. I've been keeping up with the minimum payments on the cards, but haven't been able to pay much to the hospital and doctor bills. So yay, got the credit cards down by half and the doctor/hospital bill down to about 25% left. Go me! And I saved a little on the side to pay for the filing fees for the divorce and to get a cheap new computer since mine is slowly dying and things aren't working on it. I can't wait until I'm not in debt. I don't even remember how that feels, to actually SAVE money. I'm so close and can actually see sunlight in my debt hole. I'm so super excited to see an end date! Of course this isn't counting the loan for my house, that I don't see any bit of light for =P I'm so happy and so very proud of myself. Go ME!!!!

1 comment:

Only A Girl said...

There is light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train!! :) I know how you feel....