Saturday, February 20, 2010

Soon to be Ex

Yay! I finally have the money to file for a divorce. Never knew how expensive it was, geez. So now I will have the joy of filling out the paper work, setting up mediation, and figuring out how to serve him with the papers. I did find out some rather interesting things about him this past week, and as much as I thought I was "over" him, for some annoying reason I still care a little bit about him. Go figure. He has some kind of growth and has been in the hospital multiple times the past few months. It could be cancer, which is scary. I feel bad that he and the kids have to go through this, but at the same time, all I can think is; You've done this to yourself. Which isn't really true, I don't think you can give yourself cancer, but he's never been totally honest with any of his doctors among other things. I did find out something today that makes me laugh every time I think about it. He got a fairly large tattoo of the girls name. Wow, really man? Guess she thinks that's her security that he won't leave her? LOL, I can't believe he did that, simply because he always told me he would never get the name of a girl tattooed for fear if something happened and it ended it would always be there. LMAO, seriously, LMAO. And to this day he has not tried to see his son since he left, over 1 and 1/2 years ago. He's missing so much, but at least my son's life is peaceful and there is no going back and forth right now. I really have no idea if he'll ever want a relationship with my son, and I will feel bad the day my son has to be torn between two homes. Divorce sucks when there are children involved.

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