Monday, August 09, 2010

Thank you

I tend to go back and forth over being ok with and  beating myself up over "choosing" the father for my son, to not forgiving myself and to think of it as a huge mistake on my part (on the choice of fathers, not my son).  Well, a good dear friend of mind just pointed out "he wouldn't be Zander with any other Father".  Deep down I always knew this, I've told myself this before.  But it's such a good reminder.  No, Zander wouldn't be who he is without the father I chose.  He wouldn't be the mischievous, joking, smart, brilliant, happy, smiley, bubbly, goofy wonderful little being that his is with out that particular father.  So for that I must actually say, Thank you bio dad.  You have truly given me the best gift I could ever receive, thank you.

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